Membership Committee

Meet Your Membership Committee

  • Samedi Kem- Social Media Chair

    Samedi has been working with MCOE for 11 years. She started as a substitute paraeducator, which was a valuable experience for her as she learned from other educators. Samedi was a paraeducator turned teacher while finishing her B.A. with a minor in special education from SF State and completing grad school at Dominican University.

  • Samie Rappaport- Membership Committee

    Samie has been with MCOE for 5 years. Before working at for Marin, she received her BA in Speech Language and Hearing Sciences at SDSU. During her time at MCOE, she obtained her teaching credential and Masters in Special Education. She has felt it great to grow as an individual and teacher, while also meeting an amazing group of educators. She is looking forward to another great year!

  • Susan Wilkinson- Membership Committee

    Susan has worked at MCOE for many years.